Fueye ¡ The breath of the bandoneon
The breath of the bandoneon
Être d'ailleurs - Being from elsewhere
"The poets declare that in the indefinite of the universe stands the enigma of our world, that in this enigma stands the mystery of the living, that in this mystery palpitates the poetry of men: not one would know how to see himself dispossessed of the other!"
Patrick Chamoiseau
L'Enfant inouï - The unheard Child
"At first, he thought he would just taste a word, just to see..."
Oliver Jeffers
Exploded Serenade
A musical journey that brings Beethoven's work into dialogue with the singular and captivating writing of great 20th century composers.
City Life
TM+ opens a new space between two American modernities.
What's New ?! (Day 2)
Le temps fort de la création is an event dedicated to the discovery of a nursery of artists of today's musical creation.
Elizabethan Gardens
Melancholy & Galliards / The complaint and the dance
What's New ?!
Yesterday's daring and today's inventions for a program bringing together accomplished virtuosos and up-and-coming musicians whose talent is bubbling up in the conservatories.
Counter Phrases
A unique type of ‘cine-concert,’ Counter Phrases reverses the traditional relationship between music and dance, engaging with sounds from both here and elsewhere.
Bal Passé
A playful electro-dance party for the “piano on shoulder straps.” A fanfare with oomph, but without the oompah-pahs, this program aims to update what we think we know about the accordion, the folk festival, and the multimedia concert.